Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Food Matters

For anyone who is attempting to adhere to a very limited diet - I hope you find a little joy in these simple recipes.

Our newborn, Jasper, was born in the fall of 2011 and the first 2 weeks were difficult for us.  He had breathing issues (sinus congestion, wheezing, maybe even swollen airways).  He also had goopy eyes that constantly needed to be cleaned and green runny diarrhea.  He developed eczema on his cheeks and appeared to have difficulty digesting the milk after nursing (lots of spit-up, tummy flexing, grunting, etc.)

The pediatricians said that he was healthy and not to worry - these were all common things in a newborn.  But I DID worry - because I knew he wasn't feeling well and I knew we could try to find a solution.  That's when I did some online research and found out about the Total Elimination Diet (TED) being useful to identify foods that babies may be reacting to.  I decided to follow the advice of Dr. Sears, who is well known for providing holistic expertise on pregnancy and babies.

So, I began my diet by only eating the following:
  • Rice
  • Potatoes
  • Squash
  • Turkey
  • Pears
Wow -- what a challenge!  Especially because breastfeeding made my appetite go up and I had a serious sweet tooth that couldn't be satiated by just sweet potatoes and pears.  I looked online for recipe ideas or example weekly menus, but I couldn't find anything that fit this strict diet.  I decided to start a food log, recording everything that I ate and as I got more creative with recipes I thought it might be fun to post them on a blog for others having to sustain this serious food challenge.

It only took a day or two for Jasper to start feeling better!  We are approaching the end of our first week and I am feeling empowered by the good results :)  A happy baby makes it all worth the effort!

Jasper James - 2 weeks old


  1. I recently had to go on the TED diet again with my second child. I remembered I made granola. I combined puffed rice, puffed millet, dried pears (and cranberries if you are eating them). Mix up oil and brown rice syrup and toss it all in the liquid. Spread it on a sheet pan and cook in the oven at 325 until crispy.

  2. Thanks for the tip Little B Mama! I just recently circled back to this blog after being gone for too long... I noticed that it has gotten a lot of views because more and more people are turning to this diet for solutions. I think I will have to add some content and your recipe here is a great!
